
Primary DNS Changes

We’ve made a few minor changes to our Primary DNS management in the account control center that we hope will enhance our customer’s experience.

  • All record types (except SOA) may now be deleted. Previously, two NS records and one A record were mandatory. It is now possible to delete these if desired. This also means it’s possible to create an empty zone: errors will be displayed if important records are missing.
  • All NS records may now be edited. Previously, there were two NS records ( and that were static. These may now be edited to suit the individual zone’s requirements.
  • We’ve separated the edit and delete buttons in the record table display to reduce the chance of accidentally deleting a zone record. The new “Edit” button is now on the far left side of the record row while the “Delete” button is now on the far right.
  • A TXT record may now be up to 1024 characters in length (increased from 255). Please note: Although long TXT records may be added to a zone they are not currently supported by the PowerDNS back end. An upgrade to PowerDNS will be made at a later date. An upgrade to PowerDNS 3.0 enabled long TXT support in August 2011.