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Content Scanning for Forwarding

Effective immediately, content scanning will no longer be optional if the “Mail Forwarding” option is enabled for a domain. If forwarding is enabled, SpamAssassin and anti-virus will automatically be enabled as well. A future update to the ACC will indicate this override on the SpamAssassin and anti-virus configuration pages.

This change is being made in an effort to reduce the amount of potentially undesirable email that is being forwarded to external sources through our services. It is not acceptable to forward mail unfiltered and expect the forwarding destination to do the filtering since we are being marked as the source.

6 replies on “Content Scanning for Forwarding”

Is this only if the domain is set up for forwarding entirely, as opposed to selectively forwarding certain email addresses within a hosted domain?

It will only override for email address forwarding destinations. If forwarding is enabled, but no email address destinations were triggered, it won’t apply. Our intent is to apply a strict policy to messages we forward outside our services.

And will this be a silent fail? I hope the SA threshold is set high.

Sorry, I meant will it be silent to the sender and/or receiver.

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